Our Journey

Welcome to “Planted Not Buried”! This blog is a reflection of my experiences as a wife and mother of three sons. It is a testament to the challenges we have faced, and the unwavering faith that has guided us through. Join me as I share our story of hope, healing, and the power of God’s love.

In the face of false accusations and the loss of our beloved son, we have found solace in our faith. This blog is a source of inspiration for parents and caregivers who have encountered similar hardships. Together, let’s find strength, support, and the reassurance that we are not alone on this journey.




The first step in the four step process is to develop awareness, gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in



Taking intentional steps

The second step in the four step process is taking action, where you intentionally take steps towards positive change and personal



Positive Change

A significant



A sense of strength and

The final step in the four step process is all about empowerment, where you gain a sense of

Lucas McTimothy

Head of Design

Gemma Jackson

Content Strategist

Oliver Stagehand

Customer Specialist

Alice Smith

Founder & CEO

Former co-founder of ACME company. Early staff at XYZ. Loves coffee & morning runs.